Friday, January 13, 2012

“Is 2012 the end of the world? This video will explain...”

Uploaded by nigahiga on Jan 9, 2012
Number of subscribers: 2,837,305
Number of views: 449,959,151
Category: Comedy

A few days ago I (the writer of this blog) stumbled up this video on the YouTube home page and found it absolutely hilarious.  The handsome chap somehow looked familiar.  I realized that I had seen him before when I had searched for the most seen videos on YouTube (as an inspiration for my own channel ;-)

I had found this article by Saikat Basu:
“5 Most Subscribed Channels on YouTube”
and am copying him (slightly altered):

Before I sat down to write this piece, my initial inkling was that the most subscribed channels on YouTube would be populated by internet media biggies. Something like a BBC or an eHow.  But to my surprise, it’s mostly the individuals who have the gloating rights on the leaderboard (though BBC is at a respectable place).

The second belief that I had to strike off was a highly subscribed channel must have page loads of videos. Two on our list have a collection below 100. 

There are two orders on YouTube:
A)  You can go by the most subscribed channels or
B)  You can follow the most viewed ones.
Apart from the numbers, it shouldn’t really matter.

So, let’s talk about the most subscribed channels on YouTube with the most watched videos, and see what they are about. They are certainly about individual enterprise and a big idea…. 

Read the full article here:

Anyway, here is some info on Nigahiga alias Ryan Higa, YouTube most viewed channel:

Although the information in Saikat Basu’s article is somewhat dated it is interesting to me that the top three ratings are ‘comedy’ and the following two ‘entertainment’.

The videos of my YouTube channel are not in those categories….  They are mostly in the (non-YouTube) category of metaphysics and esoteric sciences as explored and expounded by the Masters and Mystics.

In the future I will be adding to my YouTube videos the concepts of quantum phenomena whose implications have not yet even in the slightest begun to be noticed by any of the other sciences, although quantum physics is 112 years old!  Go figure.  Another mystery.  The mystery of the stupidity of the human race (as in “Negative IQ”). 

Should the end of the world be near after all…?


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